Lunarpages how to set up imap email
Lunarpages how to set up imap email

> dnl # You'll need to create the file referenced here (see the comments below this listing.) > dnl # Uncomment the following line when Comcast is your SMART_HOST and authentication is required. Other mechanisms should be used if the connection is notĭnl # Please remember that saslauthd needs to be running for AUTH.ĭnl TRUST_AUTH_MECH(`EXTERNAL DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5 LOGIN PLAIN')dnlĭnl define(`confAUTH_MECHANISMS', `EXTERNAL GSSAPI DIGEST-MD5 CRAM-MD5 LOGIN PLAIN')dnlĭnl # Rudimentary information on creating certificates for sendmail TLS:ĭnl # cd /usr/share/ssl/certs make sendmail.pemĭnl define(`confCACERT_PATH',`/etc/pki/tls/certs')dnlĭnl define(`confCACERT',`/etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt')dnlĭnl define(`confSERVER_CERT',`/etc/pki/tls/certs/sendmail.pem')dnlĭnl define(`confSERVER_KEY',`/etc/pki/tls/certs/sendmail.pem')dnlĭnl # This allows sendmail to use a keyfile that is shared with OpenLDAP'sĭnl # slapd, which requires the file to be readble by group ldapĭnl define(`confDONT_BLAME_SENDMAIL',`groupreadablekeyfile')dnlĭnl define(`confTO_QUEUERETURN', `5d')dnl > define(`ESMTP_MAILER_ARGS', `TCP $h 587')ĭefine(`confDONT_PROBE_INTERFACES',true)dnlĭefine(`PROCMAIL_MAILER_PATH',`/usr/bin/procmail')dnlĭefine(`STATUS_FILE', `/var/log/mail/statistics')dnlĭefine(`confUSERDB_SPEC', `/etc/mail/userdb.db')dnlĭefine(`confPRIVACY_FLAGS', `authwarnings,novrfy,noexpn,restrictqrun')dnlĭnl # The following allows relaying if the user authenticates, and disallowsĭnl # plaintext authentication (PLAIN/LOGIN) on non-TLS linksĭnl # PLAIN is the preferred plaintext authentication method and used byĭnl # Mozilla Mail and Evolution, though Outlook Express and other MUAs doĭnl # use LOGIN. > dnl # Use `' on the next line as the SMART_HOST when using Comcast

lunarpages how to set up imap email

Include(`/usr/share/sendmail-cf/m4/cf.m4')dnlĭnl # default logging level is 9, you might want to set it higher toĭnl # Uncomment and edit the following line if your outgoing mail needs toĭnl # be sent out through an external mail server: If you make changes toĭnl # /etc/mail/, you will need to regenerate theĭnl # /etc/mail/ file by confirming that the sendmail-cf package is See the comments below for details on that file.ĭnl # This is the sendmail macro config file for m4. This file contains your Comcast userid and password. In addition to modifying /etc/mail/ as shown below, if you're using Comcast, then you'll also have to create a the file called /etc/mail/authinfo that referenced by /etc/mail/ The listing below shows a Lunarpages configuration with the two lines you'd have to change to use Comcast instead commented out. The lines I changed in /etc/ are marked with “>” below. So far, Lunarpages does not require authentication in oder to use port 587. To enable masquerading for root I commented out the EXPOSED_USER statement inīoth Comcast and LunarPages have blocked SMTP port 25 and require the use of SUBMISSION port 587. By default, masquerading is disabled for the root user.

lunarpages how to set up imap email

I turned on masquerading in /etc/mail/ I changed the default mail routing in my ISP's settings for to “:blackhole:” instead of “:fail:” so that any and all e-mail address would be accepted for that domain. They also require that the sending e-mail address exist. Configuring sendmail masquerading will allow these systems to send mail via the LunarPages' or Comcast's SMTP server.īoth LunarPages and Comcast require that the MAIL FROM: address specified during the SMTP dialog match the From: header that’s part of the message data. Neither LunarPages nor Comcast have open relays that supports this.

lunarpages how to set up imap email

I have some Linux hosts in my network at home that want to send system messages using SENDMAIL and SMTP.

Lunarpages how to set up imap email